After I've literally devoured Yves Galland & Gil Roy's "Révolution aéronautique, le défi de l’environnement", I've decided to share with you my thoughts about the aviation industry.
70% less fuel than 40 years ago. Carbon dioxyde emissions divided by two. It doesn't seem right with the air traffic about to double by 2025. An utopia is what it is. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see that happen, but when you read that Clean Sky would want to decrease the noise and carbon dioxide emissions of planes by 50% before 2020, you can only hope.
Purity. Planes, as well as cars, will reach their goal of being pure. That's what Yves Galland & Gil Roy seem to be thinking, and I totally agree with them.
Should it be their first concern though? That would not be the solution to unravel last year's crash concerning travel and tourism. A gradual recovery is expected, a growth in employment, visitor exports, investment and of course travel and tourism economy. By 2011, everything should be back to "normal", as long as people will love to travel and discover new places.
Surely Aerial transport represents a lot of money for the worldwide economy. But now, more than ever, it has become a need. So when your plane is ready to make its last journey, to the scrap yard, don't even think of buying used parts. Nowadays, illicit trade has taken a huge step forward. Remember, buying a fake bag is not as dangerous as a fake tail rotor.
Let's not try to postpone the inevitable, but to anticipate it. Research is being made to increase the quality of the air, I don't want my passion to prevent my fellow pilots from flying.
What's best for the Earth is what I care about. Hence, what's best for the Earth, is what's best for Panama.
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