If there is a plane getting a fair share of the press these days, it's none but the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Some are calling it the iPhone of aviation, because it is the first plane that has been designed exclusively during the 21st century. With around US$10 billion spent on its development by Boeing, this composite material ultra-light fuel-efficient aircraft hopes to revolutionise point-to-point services. In a depressed travel market, the Dreamliner has the edge on fast turn-around routes and manageable size. In other words, thanks to its light weight and its condensed size, the Dreamliner is extremely flexible in terms of endurance and airport regulations.
The Dreamliner is not a low-cost concept. Its interior is voluptuous and designed for comfort. Here are a few novelties brought to the Dreamliner:
- The windows are 65% larger than the wall-holes we have on traditional commercial aircrafts. As Randy Tinseth mentions, VP Marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes in Seattle, the windows are dimmable electronically.
- Larger overhead bins
- Better air-filtration system, lower cabin pressure, quieter cabins
- Reduction of motion-sickness thanks to new wing technology
That's a lot of innovation in one shot!
In terms of business, the Dreamliner is not depreciated either. Today, Continental announced it will be the first airliner to assign the Dreamliner to a commercial route. The D-day is scheduled on Nov. 16, 2011. Continental plans to deploy its first 787 on the 7,400-mile route between Houston Bush Intercontinental and Auckland, New Zealand.
As an outing eye-candy, here are a few pictures I snapped from right and left on the Web to bring it to you on this blog:

Official page of the Boeing Dreamliner 787
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