mercredi 17 février 2010

Follow Andre Beladina's Blog On Facebook

Hi friends!

I recently installed the Facebook NetworkedBlogs application. This application is just brilliant: It allows you to connect your blog to your Facebook account, thus alerting all of your friends know when you publish a new blog post.

Since I started to blog about planes, it seems like all I want to do is share my passion with the world. I juust found out that the Web i an awesome place to share your thoughts, and ultimately connect with like-minded individuals who found you through your content because they were looking for you.

I also took a look at the tag aviation in the Twitter directory WeFollow. Unfortunately, I was not pleasantly surprised by the users this service suggested to me. Some of them (maybe you if you found me through Twitter) are really cool, but a few bots cruise around the site, and post-follow adjustments need to be done.

However, if you would like to connect with me through Facebook, just follow the link through this widget. I will follow you back the same way I will on Twitter.


Andre Beladina

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