Recently, I read an interesting article anticipating the fact that Panama was becoming the Hong Kong of the Americas, kind of the central historically-controlled-by-Anglosaxons haven where everything transits through. Well this is a very true statement. Today, Panama is the most powerful economy of Central America. Tourism is one of the top three most profitable sectors in this country.
In 2006, the people of Panama voted to remain aggressive in the freight business by opening up larger access for larger boats who still had to go 'round South America to cross the continent. By enabling the access to larger boats, Panama will welcome many more freights through its canal, and the benefits will experience a correlated growth.
Those new changes are generating the need for 40,000 new jobs in the region, am astounding economic boost that could drive the emergence of other related activities. This comes as good news in a country where 40% of the population lives below the level of poverty.
In the long-run, Panama will be rolling on an highway of new opportunities: Create low fiscal areas, duty free resorts, anything that could attract people in a place that is blooming financially. Panama needs to diversify its economy as the freight economy is not the sexiest business ever. I (André Beladina) am working on building places for foreigners to come enjoy the life in Panama around the theme of golf. I simply hope that other folks are like me: loving this country, betting on it, and contributing to make it a top destination on earth.
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